Fire Safety Pune

Global College Of Fire Engineering And Safety Management Nashik

Affilation By NCVTE Council for Vocational And &Technical Education New Delhi Gov of India Regd By DGET& Ministry HRD. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation


GIFSBM was Founded in 2012 with the intention of spreading awareness in the Fire Safety Domain. Today, thousands of students from GlobalFamily have completed the course & working in reputed organizations.

In recent years, the need for Fire Engineering & Safety Management has seen a multifold growth. As per the company standards, it is important to have one fire safety officer per 50 employees. Today, the fire safety engineering domain has one of the largest requirements & job opening. Requirements can be from any domain such as Banks, Airports, Malls, Oil Refineries, Cruise etc. Parmanand college provided firefighter courses aligned with the requirements available in the market.