Fire Safety Pune

Global College Of Fire Engineering And Safety Management Nashik

Affilation By NCVTE Council for Vocational And &Technical Education New Delhi Gov of India Regd By DGET& Ministry HRD. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation

This Fire Safety Training module is designed to teach you preventive measures that will eliminate or minimize causes of fire or fire hazards in the workplace, and to teach you proper emergency and evacuation procedures in the event of a fire..

gifsbm is impart training to the aspiring students to save the life, save material and property by preventing fire incidents. The offered program in Fire & Industrial Safety Management diploma program is need of the hour leading to:

  • Training improves SAFETY
  • Training reduces FIRE LOSSES
  • Training creates ESPRIT-DE-CORPS
  • Training saves LIFE AND PROPERTY

The Importance is thst Safety Training It Can 100% Prevent Accidents

Enquiry Now !

Regimental Plaza, 1st floor, Bytco Point, Nashik Road , Nashik , India

Mobile: +91 8830710453

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